兔斯基 发表于 2016-6-2 17:58:48



April 14, 2005
Dear Tom,
Sorry it’s been so long since I last wrote you. I heard from our ex-classmate Sally that you broke your ankle playing basketball. My sympathies on your injury. I remember that you were always very active in school, so I’m not surprised that you still play sports. But I am curious as to how you hurt yourself. Of course, if the memory is too painful, you don’t have to tell me.
Since you will be bedridden for the next few weeks, I thought you might like some books to read. I am sending you copies of two of my favorite novels. I hope you enjoy them. Take good care of yourself; don’t try to get out of bed until your ankle is healed! Get well soon.
Your friend,
Dan Wilson

丹‧威尔森 敬上


1. Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote you.
=I'm sorry that it's been so long since I last wrote you.

2. hear from....得/听到……(讯息)
例:I haven't heard from Ted in a long time.

3. ankle 脚跺

4. My sympathies on your injury.
=I would like to express my sympathies on your injury.

5. sympathy 同情
sympathize 同情
sympathetic 同情的,富同情心的
例:I have no sympathy for people who lose money because oftheir own greed.
We sympathize with you, but we can't help you.
The general was arrested for being sympathetic to the protesters.

6. injury 伤(害)
injure 使受伤
例:The explosion injured three people.

7. active 活跃/泼的

8. curious 好奇的
curious about. . .对……感到好奇
例:The child is curious about everything.

9. as to…关于··…,
例:We' ve got to deal with this problem now. As to your
proposal, we' 11 discuss it tomorrow.

10. bedridden 卧病在床的
例:Mr. Lin cooks dinner for his bedridden mother every night.

11. copy (书籍、印刷物等的)一本

12. take care of...照顾……
例:Will you take care of my pet snake while 1' m away?

13. heal
例:Time heals all wounds.

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