兔斯基 发表于 2018-2-9 16:59:37


春节将至,又到了写春联、贴春联的时候。今年,央视和百度联合推出了一个搭载人工智能技术的超级神器——“智能春联”,将最新科技与传统文化相结合,人人都能写春联。Using AI technology, the Smart Spring Festival Couplets app created by CCTV and Baidu can write a pair of customized couplets within seconds according to the key words entered by users.
用户还能为这幅春联加上自己或亲友的名字,为好友送上定制化的祝福(customized festival wishes)。除了传统的春联,“智能春联”还能根据年轻人喜欢的星座(horoscope)、热词(buzzword)等,创作出个性化春联。
【相关词汇】祭财神 worship the God of Wealth春联 Spring Festival couplets贴倒福 paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down窗花 paper-cut for window decoration门神 the God of Door灶神 the God of Kitchen财神 the God of Wealth土地爷the God of Land火神 the God of Fire
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查看完整版本: 智能春联来了!人人都能来一对儿