22TKFCHGKHUI 发表于 2011-1-7 19:24:04

thank you for sharing

兔子q 发表于 2018-11-30 16:56:00

2018年《经济学人》PDF —— 截止到11月24日刊


经济学人有着怎样的价值观?它有着这样的Mission Statement: The Economist was"First published in September 1843 to take part in 'a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.'"(《经济学人》自1843年创刊起,就参与了一场前进的民智与阻挠它的无益胆怯的无知之间的斗争)

经济学人就是一本英语学习宝典:听——音频版,纯正的英音阅读;说——最新最热的政经话题(拒绝尬聊);读—— 雅思托福必备;写——拒绝死板长短句,想native speaker一样表达。


11.24 期好文推荐:Staying alive

推荐理由:Why suicide is falling around the world, and how to bring the numbers down further still.“You know,” says a trader in “Margin Call”, a film about the crash of 2008, as he stands high on a building above Wall Street, “the feeling that people experience when they stand on the edge like this isn’t the fear of falling—it’s the fear that they might jump.” Suicide fascinates us. It is at once appalling and yet, in the darkest places in our minds, appealing. It is the most damaging sort of death. A child’s suicide is a parent’s worst nightmare, and a parent’s marks their children for life. It is a manifestation not just of individual anguish but also of a collective failure: if society is too painful to live in, perhaps we are all culpable.


经济学人最终能给你带来什么呢?6字而已: 语言,视野,认知。

**** Hidden Message *****

2036 发表于 2018-12-4 11:25:45

thank you for your sharing

deuso 发表于 2018-12-19 17:05:17

经济学人最终能给你带来什么呢?6字而已: 语言,视野,认知。

blade222 发表于 2019-1-7 16:17:52


杨小东1981 发表于 2019-1-15 11:13:30


fly我吧吧吧吧 发表于 2019-1-16 22:35:23


郑郑郑大傻子 发表于 2019-1-17 23:07:18


笑面树骑士 发表于 2019-1-23 17:19:35

Thanks for sharing

woaini 发表于 2019-1-24 15:21:01

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查看完整版本: 2018年《经济学人》PDF —— 截止到11月24日刊